Self-Study Courses

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Happiness is a choice. You can take measures to make yourself happy, or you can choose to remain in the status quo and continue being unhappy.
It’s probably safe to say those with sound minds are going to choose happiness over unhappiness. It’s common sense.

Brendan McCauley Online

A better you is all about having self-confidence and being able to be your true self in all aspects of your life. From the time we are born, we will be raised to be a version of ourselves that pleases others.
We learn to put a mask on and be an actor in our life.

Brendan McCauley Online

For many of us, it is often much more comfortable to remember the bad experiences in our lives, rather than the good. By taking the time to increase our experience and depth of gratitude, we can start to balance out these negative thoughts. Start with an Attitude Of Gratitude

Brendan McCauley Online

Motivation is the key to conquering your resolutions. With a sufficient amount of motivation in any plan, you’ll find your missions complete in no time. The first problem to cover though is, where are you going to get the motivation from?


Brendan McCauley Online

Much has been said about self-love and its importance in healing and integration. There are many ways to enhance self-love. Here is the full handbook that you can use to be kind to yourself and increase your levels of self-appreciation.


Brendan McCauley Online

Positive thinking is a state of mind that naturally expects a positive outcome to events. Not all of us were born to be positive thinkers. The good news is that this mindset is a habit that can be developed and enhanced. 

Brendan McCauley Online

Happiness is a choice. You can take measures to make yourself happy, or you can choose to remain in the status quo and continue being unhappy.
It’s probably safe to say those with sound minds are going to choose happiness over unhappiness. It’s common sense.


A better you is all about having self-confidence and being able to be your true self in all aspects of your life. From the time we are born, we will be raised to be a version of ourselves that pleases others.
We learn to put a mask on and be an actor in our life.


For many of us, it is often much more comfortable to remember the bad experiences in our lives, rather than the good. By taking the time to increase our experience and depth of gratitude, we can start to balance out these negative thoughts. Start with an Attitude Of Gratitude


Motivation is the key to conquering your resolutions. With a sufficient amount of motivation in any plan, you’ll find your missions complete in no time. The first problem to cover though is, where are you going to get the motivation from?



Much has been said about self-love and its importance in healing and integration. There are many ways to enhance self-love. Here is the full handbook that you can use to be kind to yourself and increase your levels of self-appreciation.



Positive thinking is a state of mind that naturally expects a positive outcome to events. Not all of us were born to be positive thinkers. The good news is that this mindset is a habit that can be developed and enhanced. 


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